Jonathan Patrick, CEO at Consultant Connect, one of the UK’s leading telemedicine providers, discusses the current situation in the NHS and opportunities going forward.
Press Release: Health tech cuts neurology waiting lists by more than half in fewer than two months
Consultant Connect technology enabled the triage of over 1,000 referrals at Kettering General Hospital in fewer than two months. This breakthrough comes at a time when more than 230,000 patients are on neurology waiting lists across England, waiting on average 17 weeks.
Cutting down NHS gynaecology waiting times
Kat James, Director of New Projects at Consultant Connect, one of the UK’s leading telemedicine providers, explains how the company is working with the NHS to cut down gynaecology waiting times.
Press Release: Groundbreaking health tech project rolled out to help patients in Scotland avoid unnecessary trips to A&E
This health-tech connects Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) paramedics in the Lanarkshire area with local A&E consultants via the ‘Call Before Convey’ pathway within four seconds.
Reducing waiting lists efficiently
Consultant Connect’s clinically-led Referral Triage and Validation service supports specialty teams to reduce their waiting list backlogs in bulk and/or new referrals as they come in.
How technology is cutting down NHS waiting lists
Kat James, Director of New Projects at Consultant Connect, one of the UK’s leading telemedicine providers, explains how the company is working with the NHS to cut down on waiting lists using technology that’s simpler than you think.
Press Release: Burma Skincare Initiative uses UK technology to transform patient care
Burma Skincare Initiative using Consultant Connect is set to revolutionise healthcare for people with severe skin conditions in Myanmar.
Thousands of elderly patients avoid unnecessary hospital queues thanks to health tech
The Dorset Echo published an article highlighting Consultant Connect’s successful 2023, helping thousands of elderly patients avoid unnecessary hospital queues.
Press Release: Thousands of elderly patients avoid unnecessary hospital queues thanks to health tech
Consultant Connect tech helps 150,000 elderly and frail patients across the UK to avoid unnecessary hospital queues in 2023.
Safely reducing NHS waiting lists
Did you know our National Consultant Network of NHS consultants can deliver Advice & Guidance on local referral systems (e.g. e-RS) plus triage and validate referrals, reducing waiting lists by a third on average?