Impact | Ambulance Trusts using Consultant Connect
Improving communications for Ambulance Services
Improving communications for Ambulance Services
Hover on the Ambulance icons on the below map for more information:
Ambulance trusts across the UK use* Consultant Connect to rapidly speak to clinicians for advice, bypassing switchboard or bleep waits. This allows ambulance staff to discuss whether A&E really is the most appropriate place to take patients. All calls and outcomes are recorded, thereby improving safety and governance.
Our current data shows that 53% of calls, with reported outcomes, from ambulance staff avoid unnecessary patient conveyances.
The map spotlights the impact of Ambulance Trusts using Consultant Connect in different ways to meet their bespoke local needs.
*Services available differ by locality including ICB/Health Board area or Hospital/Trust. A&E avoidance is for calls where an outcome was reported, data correct from project launch to September 2024.
Securely connecting healthcare professionals and patients across the NHS via:

Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS)
Over 101,500 calls placed to date
Launch: January 2019
A&E avoided*: 29%
Average connection time: 16 seconds
Number of lines available: 17 plus a COPD messaging route for Tayside
Project highlights:
- Call before you convey pathway is embedded in Tayside.
- Calls are answered by senior clinical decision makers.
- 15 fewer patient attendances a day in NHS Tayside (compared to the national average).
Find out more by downloading a copy of our Ambulance Impact overview here
East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS)
Launch: December 2019
A&E avoided*: 53%
Average connection time: 32 seconds
Number of lines available: 5
Project highlights:
- EMAS mainly use rapid advice to speak to clinicians for possible admissions to Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC).
Find out more by downloading a copy of our Ambulance Impact overview here
Welsh Ambulance Service (WAST)
Over 125,000 calls placed to date
Launch: May 2020
A&E avoided*: 49%
Average connection time: 10 seconds
Number of lines available: >22 per health board
Project highlights:
- >400 GP Bypass numbers are available.
- 50% of patients avoided an unnecessary hospital conveyance when GP bypass numbers were used.
- 9 mental health lines are available.
Find out more by downloading a copy of our Ambulance Impact overview here
West Midlands Ambulance Service University NHS Foundation Trust (WMAS)
Launch: September 2019
A&E avoided*: 69%
Average connection time: 30 seconds
Number of lines available: 18
Project highlights:
- Over 5,000 calls have been placed since launch.
- 78% of frailty patients avoid ED.
Find out more by downloading a copy of our Ambulance Impact overview here
London Ambulance Service NHS Trust (LAS)
Launch: February 2021
A&E avoided*: 60%
Average connection time: 16 seconds
Number of lines available: 12
Project highlights:
- Over 2,400 calls are placed to the Silver Triage line a year.
- 77% of calls to the silver triage pathways resulted in the patient being treated out of hospital.
- More than 3,200 calls are placed to the Urgent Community Response line a year.
Find out more by downloading a copy of our Ambulance Impact overview here
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS)
Launch: July 2019
A&E avoided*: 35%
Average connection time: 54 secs
Number of lines available: 9
Project highlights:
- Over 8,200 calls have been placed since launch.
- SCAS have access to the UCR team via Consultant Connect, making over 100 calls a month to this service alone.
- 92% of surgical SDEC calls are answered first time at the Maple Centre.
Find out more by downloading a copy of our Ambulance Impact overview here
South West Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SWAST)
Launch: December 2018
A&E avoided*: 43%
Average connection time: 19 seconds
Number of lines available: 4
Project highlights:
- Over 120 calls are placed a month on average.
- The pre-alert stroke pathway is one of the most used by SWAFT.
Find out more by downloading a copy of our Ambulance Impact overview here
Why Consultant Connect?:

‘Since the redesign, our call volumes have more than tripled. Along with the emergency medicine line, we’ve expanded the Consultant Connect offering to support more specialties, all with the idea of navigating a system to allow for the best patient care.’
‘We have the lowest ambulance conveyance rate in Scotland, and, compared to the national average, this means we have 15 fewer patient attendances a day, freeing up our clinical capacity, saving the ambulances time in conveyance and handovers, and ultimately, giving the patients a better experience.’ Find out more
‘The Consultant Connect system is brilliant, we wouldn’t be without it. Managing frailty is vitally important for any acute hospital and enabling paramedics to speak with consultants quickly has changed everything.’ Find out more
‘The Consultant Connect App is really easy to use, and it’s great because all the numbers are in one place. It’s also safe from an IG aspect, as it is encrypted, calls are recorded, and they can be easily accessed should there be a need. If the patient is seriously ill, then it’s the pre-alert lines that I would use, and it’s just a quick couple of taps on the app to be put through to the receiving ED, who knows straight away what to expect when the patient arrives.’ Find out more
Urgent Care Pathways: Examples in Practice
The fact that all pathways set up via Consultant Connect benefit from high connection rates, with 80% of calls being answered the first time and within 30 seconds, IG-secure recorded activity and a dedicated Account Management team are just some of the reasons why we are the UK’s most widely used Enhanced Advice & Guidance system.
Our urgent care pathways in practice slides showcases 7 projects that are paving the way to improve patient care and clinician experiences in urgent care, including service benefits, call statistics and outcomes. Scroll through the images to find out more, or fill in the short form below to receive a PDF copy.

Urgent Care Pathways and Ambulance Impact – Download Request
Examples in Practice

Bypass Numbers feature avoids hospital conveyance for patient with gastrointestinal condition

How Consultant Connect tech enabled WAST clinicians to avoid hospital visit for vulnerable cancer patient

5 minutes with… the Flow Navigation Centre clinicians in NHS Lanarkshire

The benefits of having access to GP Bypass Numbers in Wales

Paramedic Case Study

5 minutes with…a Paramedic in Wales

Area Case Study | COPD Pathway in NHS Tayside

Enhanced Advice & Guidance across Wales: a GP and paramedic case study

Paramedic and consultant case study: Prof-to-Prof clinical decisions in Tayside

GP and paramedic case study: Enhanced Advice & Guidance across Wales

In the Press
Consultant Connect projects urgent care projects have caught the attention of the press. Click below to read the recent coverage:
- Consultant Connect Tech saves over £700,000 a year for NHS Tayside
- ITV Central: Health Correspondent from ITV Central spends day with West Midlands Ambulance crew
- Digital Health: Consultant Connect technology used by NHS Lanarkshire to avoid unnecessary A&E trips
- Ambulance NHS Wales News: Maternity ‘red phone’ initiative launched by Welsh Ambulance Service
- Digital Health: Consultant Connect helped keep 150,000 elderly patients out of hospital
- Hospital Times: Consultant Connect has helped more than 400,000 patients avoid unnecessary trips to hospital
- Health Tech Digital: A&E capacity unlocked by Consultant Connect’s pioneering “talk before you walk” tech