Outpatients: The Future
Experts discussed why outpatient transformation is vital and offered practical ideas. This was a Royal College of Physicians (RCP) free webinar hosted by Consultant Connect.
Webinar speakers included:
- Professor Stephen Powis, National Medical Director, NHS England
- Dr Toby Hillman, Sustainability Programme Clinical Lead at Royal College of Physicians
- Dr David Fluck, Medical Director at Ashford and St Peters Hospital, speaking on behalf of Surrey Heartlands
The Royal College of Physicians is currently working with NHS England and NHS Improvement to support funded outpatients transformation pilot projects. They are exploring options for providing more general support, including conferences and events that bring organisations together for networking and sharing good practice. The RCP also has a role in working with NHS and other organisations at the national level to remove barriers to change.
The RCP wants to hear from hospitals and systems that are undertaking or planning outpatients transformation so they can build up a picture of what’s happening across the country. They also want to know what support you might need, either from the RCP itself, or NHS or other organisations. You can contact them via policy@rcplondon.ac.uk.
If you have any questions about how Consultant Connect helps with outpatient transformation, please call us on 01865 261 467 or email info@consultantconnect.org.uk