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Service Manager case study: Haematology advice in Swansea Bay
Since November 2020, Haematology A&G queries have been routed through Consultant Connect, providing a single point of access for clinicians in Swansea Bay. We spoke with Sam Jenkins, Haematology Service Manager at Singleton Hospital, to find out how the implementation has benefitted the team.
5 minutes with… NHS consultants on the National Consultant Network
We spoke with three NHS consultants who provide Advice & Guidance to find out what types of queries they receive and the benefits this provides.
5 minutes with… a hospital ACP Lead for Divisional Medicine
Alice Brockwell, ACP Lead for Divisional Medicine in Doncaster, tells us about her experience and benefits of SDEC via Consultant Connect.
5 minutes with… a Lead Nurse
Since May 2022, Liz Collinson, Lead Nurse in Glasgow, has been answering Prof-to-Prof advice calls to the OPAT line, from GPs, in the area via Consultant Connect. Liz tells us more about the pathway.
5 minutes with… a Consultant Orthodontist
Meryl Spencer is a Consultant Orthodontist at Morriston Hospital in Swansea Bay University Health Board. Since early 2022, Meryl has been responding to Messaging A&G requests from GPs and Dentists via Consultant Connect.
5 minutes with a Service Manager & Lead Nurse
Sally Shaw tells us about the rapid telephone service provided by Consultant Connect which is believed to be the only nurse-led service of its kind in the country.
Consultant Connect replaces bleep system for rheumatology at Salford Royal Hospital
In April 2022, the rheumatology department at Salford Royal implemented Consultant Connect Telephone Advice & Guidance as a replacement service for their bleep system.
5-year contract awarded following the success of the pilot Advice & Guidance project
Consultant Connect was launched in partnership with North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB) as a one-year project to assist with Covid-19 pressures.
5 minutes with an NHS admin team lead
Maxima Spanakis talks to us about how using Consultant Connect for the nurse-led advice line has improved patient care.
Area Case Study | NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes ICS
NHS Bedfordshire, Luton, and Milton Keynes ICS was created in early 2020 when the previous individual CCGs merged into one. Since this development, their project in partnership with Consultant Connect has grown year on year. In this article, we look at the key milestones and usage stats since the project's launch.
5 minutes with an ENT consultant conducting Referral Triage
Dr Shakir talks to us about his personal experience of working on the Referral Triage service:
GP and consultant case study: Paediatric 2WW Pathway
Dr O'Flanagan and Dr Neuling share the benefits of the new Paediatric 2WW Pathway at the University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire Foundation Trust, available via Consultant Connect.
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