Case Studies: Specialists

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All case studies relating to Specialists

5 minutes with a Service Manager & Lead Nurse

5 minutes with a Service Manager & Lead Nurse

Sally Shaw tells us about the rapid telephone service provided by Consultant Connect which is believed to be the only nurse-led service of its kind in the country.

Consultant Connect replaces bleep system for rheumatology at Salford Royal Hospital

Consultant Connect replaces bleep system for rheumatology at Salford Royal Hospital

In April 2022, the rheumatology department at Salford Royal implemented Consultant Connect Telephone Advice & Guidance as a replacement service for their bleep system.

5-year contract awarded following the success of the pilot Advice & Guidance project

5-year contract awarded following the success of the pilot Advice & Guidance project

Consultant Connect was launched in partnership with North Central London Integrated Care Board (NCL ICB) as a one-year project to assist with Covid-19 pressures.

5 minutes with an NHS admin team lead

5 minutes with an NHS admin team lead

Maxima Spanakis talks to us about how using Consultant Connect for the nurse-led advice line has improved patient care.

5 minutes with an ENT consultant conducting Referral Triage

5 minutes with an ENT consultant conducting Referral Triage

Dr Shakir talks to us about his personal experience of working on the Referral Triage service:

GP and consultant case study: Paediatric 2WW Pathway

GP and consultant case study: Paediatric 2WW Pathway

Dr O'Flanagan and Dr Neuling share the benefits of the new Paediatric 2WW Pathway at the University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire Foundation Trust, available via Consultant Connect.

Enhanced Advice & Guidance across Wales: a GP and paramedic case study

Enhanced Advice & Guidance across Wales: a GP and paramedic case study

Steven Evans, paramedic, and Dr Nakul Gupta, paediatric consultant, discuss how they use Enhanced Advice & Guidance to provide the best patient care.

5 minutes with a CMHT old age consultant and clinical director

5 minutes with a CMHT old age consultant and clinical director

Dr Funnell talks to us about her personal experience of answering Mental Health Advice & Guidance calls through the Consultant Connect service.

GP case study: Answering SCAS calls

GP case study: Answering SCAS calls

Dr Simon Hodes describes how answering Telephone Advice & Guidance calls from 999 ambulance crews and clinical support desk staff saves NHS resources.

Mental Health case study at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

Mental Health case study at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

We spoke with mental health specialists at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust to find out how providing Advice & Guidance benefits them.

Respiratory and Gynaecology Advice & Guidance across the NHS

Respiratory and Gynaecology Advice & Guidance across the NHS

We spoke with three clinicians in participating areas to find out how Enhanced Advice & Guidance benefits them and their patients.

Consultants case study: a Trust’s view

Consultants case study: a Trust’s view

One of the most common questions we encounter when discussing Phone Advice & Guidance is 'what do the consultants think about it?' We sent a film crew to NGH to ask exactly that question.

- Consultant Connect

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