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Enhanced Advice & Guidance across Wales: a GP and paramedic case study
Steven Evans, paramedic, and Dr Nakul Gupta, paediatric consultant, discuss how they use Enhanced Advice & Guidance to provide the best patient care.

Area Case Study: Keeping elderly patients out of hospital
South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust’s (SWFT) Frailty Service have been leading an array of activities to aid patient referrals. In this article we uncover the key activities across the trust which ultimately work towards keeping patients out of hospital, especially as we head towards winter.

5 minutes with… a GP and Assistant Medical Director
GP experience | Dr Nicky Davies from Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board shares her experience of using Consultant Connect…

Advice from paediatrics consultants one phone call or message away
Grange University Hospital in Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (UHB), Wales offers primary care two rapid Advice & Guidance options to help keep paediatric patient care in the community where possible. We interviewed Paediatrics Consultant Dr Nakul Gupta to find out more.

Using Photo Advice & Guidance for Ophthalmology
Optometrists from NHS Coventry and Rugby ICB area, discuss how Photo Advice & Guidance helps to manage patient conditions.

5 minutes with a CMHT old age consultant and clinical director
Dr Funnell talks to us about her personal experience of answering Mental Health Advice & Guidance calls through the Consultant Connect service.

GP case study: Answering SCAS calls
Dr Simon Hodes describes how answering Telephone Advice & Guidance calls from 999 ambulance crews and clinical support desk staff saves NHS resources.

Mental Health case study at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust
We spoke with mental health specialists at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust to find out how providing Advice & Guidance benefits them.

Respiratory and Gynaecology Advice & Guidance across the NHS
We spoke with three clinicians in participating areas to find out how Enhanced Advice & Guidance benefits them and their patients.

Consultants case study: a Trust’s view
One of the most common questions we encounter when discussing Phone Advice & Guidance is 'what do the consultants think about it?' We sent a film crew to NGH to ask exactly that question.

GP and consultant case study: Trauma & Orthopaedics Advice & Guidance
We spoke with a GP and a consultant to find out how Trauma & Orthopaedics Advice & Guidance via Consultant Connect can expedite care for patients.

GP and consultant case study: Cardiology in South East London
Dr Patrick Davey is a Consultant Cardiologist on the National Consultant Network. He answers Telephone Advice & Guidance calls from GPs around the country, such as Drs Guallar and Ross in South East London.

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